Sleeping dragon. The hardest part about ink sketches is that its hard to get down poses an form with out a pencil draft for proper proportions But anyway this one was drawn at the cafe and it was going fine untill i droped my pen right on the tip, See that mark in the top left corner,yeah thats nothing compared to the frustration of pen sratches on the back of the paper trying to get it to work, yep the only day i dont bring reserve pens with me,oh well..
WHAY #119Whay takes on many shapes an forms, usally the face of a serpent/dragon or lost god, the essence of the creature is unexistent untill it emerges in ancient languages an symbols representing fate or answers.
Just like that of a phoenix there exists one per dimension/time frame.
Tattoo design for a friend.
On a different note i found a yellow feather this evening, just from a cockatoo crest but it made my day.
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