Created as a boss monster for a comic series i made call sparks splat, basically its about this small alien like character whos has to rescue his species from evil spirits such as GODA.
GODA dwells deep within the hearts of vast forests, its size is massive but very hard to spot, it uses camoflauge to match the forest floor and trees.
It lives underground in borrows dug out with its quad beak, inside the beak it has eight eyes an a giant sucking mouth.
Also has a retractable claw under both wings, Very terrible flyer.

These strange three eyed creatures come in many forms, They habit all kinds of liquids and float aimlessly similer to jellyfish.

Eva-it is a growth type creature meaning it comes to life from the decay, infection or infliction of a past entity.
Rare caseses it will grow to the size of a full grown elephant but it also depends on the gravity of the location it was formed.
Eva-it has a short life span lasting from a few seconds to at most a week, when dieing it relesers millions of growth genes.
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