Saturday, July 24, 2010

#122 to Biro

GODA: Forest Bug #122

Created as a boss monster for a comic series i made call sparks splat, basically its about this small alien like character whos has to rescue his species from evil spirits such as GODA.
GODA dwells deep within the hearts of vast forests, its size is massive but very hard to spot, it uses camoflauge to match the forest floor and trees.
It lives underground in borrows dug out with its quad beak, inside the beak it has eight eyes an a giant sucking mouth.
Also has a retractable claw under both wings, Very terrible flyer.


These strange three eyed creatures come in many forms, They habit all kinds of liquids and float aimlessly similer to jellyfish.

EVA IT #120

Eva-it is a growth type creature meaning it comes to life from the decay, infection or infliction of a past entity.
Rare caseses it will grow to the size of a full grown elephant but it also depends on the gravity of the location it was formed.
Eva-it has a short life span lasting from a few seconds to at most a week, when dieing it relesers millions of growth genes.
Ended up buying a blue cheap biro for somthing different, a few quick sketches done also with black ink pen.


Mystery wall.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yellow Feathers

Sleeping dragon. The hardest part about ink sketches is that its hard to get down poses an form with out a pencil draft for proper proportions But anyway this one was drawn at the cafe and it was going fine untill i droped my pen right on the tip, See that mark in the top left corner,yeah thats nothing compared to the frustration of pen sratches on the back of the paper trying to get it to work, yep the only day i dont bring reserve pens with me,oh well..

WHAY #119
Whay takes on many shapes an forms, usally the face of a serpent/dragon or lost god, the essence of the creature is unexistent untill it emerges in ancient languages an symbols representing fate or answers.
Just like that of a phoenix there exists one per dimension/time frame.

Tattoo design for a friend.
On a different note i found a yellow feather this evening, just from a cockatoo crest but it made my day.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


My pen was dieing on this sketch, done in a park although ufortunately i didnt see any trees like this, A creatures soul engulfed into nature.

I think i was just happy i had a coffee today! a week is a very long time with out a mocha.
There are words in the background ; How is the air up there?
Q.V.Q #118

I remember creating this creature a long time ago but the name im still confused on, im sure it had a meaning, but QVQ just how it is is fine for now.
QVQ lives in pure darkness, no not the evil stuff just deep sea/space no light darkness,
Its big blind eyes pick up movement an temp from vibrations, they are tiny creatures who live together in groups of millions, QVQ's attatch them selfs to other life/organisms and feed much like a leech.
JITSU #117
jitsu well i guess is a very simple creature, not natualy created but more designed much like a virus comes to life.
Jitsu lives inside electrical currents and drained power sources, it doubles its self rapidly by connecting to another host, it works on the postive an negative effects much like a battery Unnamed creature, Ink an Watercolour pencil.
Thought id get the colour out...woo...yeah...
Click for larger image yes


Okay okay okay okay,
Ive got a few things to upload but as ive just woke up ill do it later, plus my scanner is a little noisy.
On a different note i Really need some new pens! and a job i might add.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cloudy day

This drawing was done this morning for a freind who needed to know how to draw clouds, im no profesional cloud artist but doing things like this i also teach my self alot.

EAGE #116
The original creature was draw back in 1999 when i was 11, it was number 570 in my first bestiary, it was a boss character in a game i made up.
Eage drifts around the darkest most isolated regins of space, very rare. Also very very huge, Just like a hairy dog can carry a grass seeds,Eage's tentacles paws have the ablity to trap life forming molecules from recent supernova explosions( Dust an particals left behind from a giant star) and carry them to other parts of space where life may begin.

I decided to begin my new creature book with my favourite one ive created, the Gromps.
First made in 1999 it was a creature spawnd from a evil demi god called Pinggo-ra.
Although once quite violent the gromps have adapted to there surrondings an become much placid, There are many many species of these, Aka water type,Wing type, Artic,Larva,rock an so on. Whatever is habitat it will merge an quicky evolve to fit in.

Arylic painting done at the start of the year.
I call it Hours of creation: Seconds of destuction.
Firstly i spent a while painting the creature in the middle, it had a long zig zaggy yellow tail an it atcualy looked quite alright,
Then i thought, well what actually makes a painting complete, is it what you think? or what someone else thinks?
I decided to cover my hands in paint an attack it, it felt so good.

A Few

As it is winter its very hard to keep warm outside, which sucks because i like to go for walks an sit under trees to draw, Although today was nice not too many clouds an the sun was perfect to keep me warm.
The first thing i see is two birds passing by clouds, a simple quick sketch of it made me happy.

Goloth #114
This creature floats around ghost like in temples an tombs, Very smart it will never show its self.
You will know of its presence by the rising bell chimes. It will never attack unless provoked, Make sure you have some kinda super ear plugs or the clashing of deep bells will vibrate your brain to dust.

Sitting around waiting for a band to set up i drew this guy yesterday.
I did the words today, DeadMoon lyrics.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cosmic Courtship

Even in the darkest realms of space there is love.
Watercolour and White Gouache


Alot of people ask me where do i get my inspiration from?

I would love to tell you but its strange to explaine.
Okay so lets just say its night time an somthing pulls your eyes to the sky,
Fullmoon glazing the heavens,
Stop an think why is it there? question your existance once more?
So step back an think that moment that made you look , that empty feeling where nothing makes sense thats where i gather my images from,thats where i drag my inspiration from,
The unknown is know as clear as day to those you see reason for an entropy of lost thought.

If its one thing ive learnt in life is that everything exists,there are things beyond the human capability of thought,beyond what makes you confused and alone.
As humans we will question everything an never look past ourselves.

Through art is where i make my salvation for understanding who i am.



Sketch done at a cafe, I do alot of these.
Rasp the Void:
Take hold of the unknown, taste it.



2010 ive begun my new revised bestiary Aka a Creature compendium.
I wont upload all as that would take forever so here i shall post new ones an somtimes older.


Well this would be my first post.
Il be filling this place with my sketches, paintings an bad gramma.