Singcul is a small ground feeder monster, Sleeps druring the day an hunts at night serching for birds an bugs, somtimes humans.
It will also try an hide in houses where it is warm, an sleep under beds waiting for the night.

Xyzyxz is a creature whom has a confused belonging, it walks around in a zombie like fashion but is harmless. being born with a birds tail for some old evolutionary reason it will often jump from high places thinking it can fly but plumit to there death.

A bull like creature with an natual organic armourd bone.
It has no mouth an its brain is in its neck. Boug Horns head is so strong it can ram down/through/apart basicaly anthing.
It feeds by absorbing the sun light an its underbelly skin can soke up moisture an other things
These drawings are very good. The creatures remind me of Dungeons and Dragons. You should try getting a job with those gameing companies.