Monday, August 9, 2010

# 144-5

Soldier, Sage, guardian?

Heres a sneek peep sketch of a oil painting im working on atm.
I wish i had a studio or somthing, my room has turned into one, i guess the only thing that makes it a bedroom is the bed. i need space, though i dont mind i just hope one day il have it. i dream of a big basement for my artworks.
Till then il sleep to the smell of turpentine :)

UNTOG #144
LUIMP #145

Untog is an organic creature, much like a mandrake(Plant that looks like a person, an screams when up rooted)
Although untog is more a tunip and wouldnt scream, Actualy you can have a in depth conversation with it.
Poplulates rich soil.
Luimp is a soft horned creature, they appear in groups on bright warm days bouncing around open fields.
To kill one is to put a horrid curse on your self.

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